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  Stefanie Hunt’s interest in art began in high school where she excelled in her classes and eventually earned a national award which led to a scholarship at BYU. It was during this time that she met her husband Roger, which led to a job at Wasatch Bronzeworks in Lehi, Utah. It was there that she found and began to develop her passion for sculpture. Stefanie is largely self taught, but has also benefitted from the friendships and mentoring of local artists. Stefanie has been sculpting for over 30 years.

  Roger Hunt’s history in art began as a child. His father studied art a Brigham Young University and became an art professor. When he was in high school, Roger went to work at a bronze casting foundry started by a classmate of his father’s. At the foundry, he worked closely with, and learned from, artists from all over the country, many of whom became mentors and friends. Some of these artists began to ask him to assist them with their work, which led to developing skills and and an increasing interest in becoming a sculptor.

Roger and Stefanie have four children and have  been married for thirty-five years.